BAM! works with the Google Play Games service by allowing you to create a Gamer ID and track your BAM! High Scores against other BAM! players plus sneak-peak how your friends are going too.

BAM!™ has 10 levels for you to crush IF you can! Each level is different from the last, each one has a more challenging opponent or a different number of cards.

Across time, playing-card manufacturers produced decks meant for other uses beyond simple card playing including: instruction, propaganda and advertising. French suits were a revision of the German ones; keeping hearts but replacing bells with diamonds, acorns with clovers while clubs and leaves became pikes or spades. 

DID YOU KNOW The card game ‘Hearts’ aka Rickety Kate in Australia shares some similarities and is the closest established game to BAM! Both are trick-taking games. It’s also known as Black Lady, Black Maria or Black Widow which is a reference to the Queen of Clubs aka ‘Calamity Jane’ and has a 13 point […]