DO YOU REMEMBER Your first video game experience? My parents brought us a Commodore 64 that had 6 games bundled together (Arcadia, B.C. Bill, Pedro, Cosmic Cruiser, Invaders and 3D Jumpin Jack) as a ‘Value Pack.’

DID YOU KNOW The Magnavox Odyssey was the world’s first commercial home video game console long before PlayStations, Nintendos, Mega Drives or even Ataris. It was designed by engineer Ralph Baer who wanted to build something into a television set that the owner could control.

Sport has a long history in the video game industry. Beginning in 1937, the manufacturer Bryan’s Automatic Machine Works released ‘All Sports’ an arcade game and during the same period also produced ‘Ball Sport’ along with 11 other game types.

DID YOU KNOW The Joker playing card was also known as the ‘Jolly Joker.‘ Standard decks normally contained two extra ‘wild’ cards, each depicting a traditional court jester that could be used to trump any natural card.