If you’ve ever day dreamed of being the highest scoring player of a video game, winning the final round where you destroy the enemy squadron’s command ship and later that night, you’re approached by the game’s inventor identifying himself only as Centauri, who invites you to take a ride in his exotic-looking car.

DID YOU KNOW Authors is a classic card game dating back to 1861 and was first published by G. M. Whipple & A. A. Smith of Salem, Massachusetts. The deck could also be used for many traditional card games because the cards also had standard indices in both the upper and lower corners.

HEADS UP! For those of you looking to climb the BAM! Leaderboard — be warned! After months of game play, we have a new High Score! Rimington9296 recently overtook our previous record holder AmiriaP at the top of the ladder with an outstanding Top Score of 2,067,300 points.

DID YOU KNOW While researching his role in ‘Rounders’ Matt Damon reportedly lost tens of thousands of dollars on poker tables in real casinos? Both Damon and fellow Rounders star Edward Norton were invited to play in the 1998 World Series of Poker in Las Vegas (with a ten thousand dollar buy-in).

DID YOU KNOW In 1990, Commodore re-packaged its popular Commodore 64 home computer as the little known ‘C64 Games System’ (C64GS) a cartridge-based home video game console to compete in a market that was dominated by both Nintendo and Sega.