In BAM! there are a number of different ways that scores are displayed. In the Level Selection screen, each Level has the total accumulated score for every Hand in the Level. And did you know that BAM! also records your Top 200 Individual Hand high scores?
- From the Home screen, Tap to Play. The Standard Game Level Selection screen displays.
- Swipe right-to-left on the screen three times (You will see the Standard, No Trumps and Timed Level Selection screens). The All Games Level Selection screen displays.
- Swiping down-to-up on the screen displays all the previously recorded individual, Hand high scores. From left to right:
a) The position number of the score
b) the icon used to designate the game type where the individual high score was achieved
c) the recorded high score
d) the Level icon
e) The Level Number
f) the Hand icon
g) the Hand number
So, in the example above, the highest recorded score was achieved during a No Trumps game, of 406 500, scored on Level 10, Hand 10.
Scroll through your list of high scores to see how well you’re progressing. Any patterns? Any game, in particular, you’re scoring higher scores than others?
Our BAM! Card Game