Note: the following instructions are available to download here if you wish to print and add them to a standard deck of playing cards. Number of players: 3 – 6 Object of the game: To win more rounds in a Hand than any other player OR to avoid being BAMBoozalled. Terminology ROUND When each player […]

BAM! works with the Google Play Games service by allowing you to create a Gamer ID and track your BAM! High Scores against other BAM! players plus sneak-peak how your friends are going too.

BAM!™ has 10 levels for you to crush IF you can! Each level is different from the last, each one has a more challenging opponent or a different number of cards.

Terminology ROUND When each player has placed one card in the middle of the playing surface. HAND When each player has placed all his / her playing cards in the middle of the playing surface and there are no cards left to play.

Did You Know BAM! is connected to the Google Play Games Leaderboard? There are three steps to seeing your BAM! high scores to the Google Play Games leaderboard: Either: Install the Play Games app from within BAM! or Install the Play Games app from the Android store Create a Create a Google Play Games Gamer ID […]