DID YOU KNOW The Joker playing card was also known as the ‘Jolly Joker.‘ Standard decks normally contained two extra ‘wild’ cards, each depicting a traditional court jester that could be used to trump any natural card.

BAM! works with the Google Play Games service by allowing you to create a Gamer ID and track your BAM! High Scores against other BAM! players plus sneak-peak how your friends are going too.

BAM!™ has 10 levels for you to crush IF you can! Each level is different from the last, each one has a more challenging opponent or a different number of cards.

DID YOU KNOW Long before the days of Counter-Strike, Call of Duty, Doom, Wolfenstein 3D or Commando a 1975 arcade-shooter game called ‘Gun Fight’ was the first video game to depict a human-on-human shoot ’em up. Known as ‘Western Gun’ in Japan, ‘Gun Fight’ featured two players facing off in an old-fashioned western-style duel.