If you owned or worked on a computer in the late 1990’s chances are you played one of Microsoft’s pre-installed games: Freecell, Hearts, Minesweeper or Solitaire. Solitaire was developed by intern Wes Cherry in 1989 and renowned for its ‘solitaire effect’ of cascading cards that appeared at the end of the game.

DID YOU KNOW A wash aka the Corgi shuffle or a scramble is often made at the beginning of a card game when the deck is still in the order it was packaged in. Washing is done so everyone (players and dealer alike) are satisfied that they’re about to play in a fair game.

Have you ever wondered why cards are shuffled before the start of any card game? For math nerds or simply curious citizens — it’s due in no small part to the number of order possibilities in a 52-card deck (52 factorial or the number 8 with 67 zeros) after it to be exact! It’s probable […]