If you’re lucky enough to be dealt three Aces in your Hand, you’d think you have a really good chance of winning the Hand, right? Generally speaking, this is also the case in BAM! depending on: who has the lead, what cards are lead and which cards are played making both scenarios possible i.e. to lose a Hand; or to get BamBoozalled.
A Closer Look
Human player BAMJason has been dealt three Aces. The fourth Ace — the Ace of Diamonds hasn’t been dealt and is still in the deck N.B. Diamonds is also trumps for the Hand. Brad wins the Round and takes a risk by playing the 5 of Diamonds next. At this point, BAMJason has a choice to make, which of the Aces does he discard since he is out of Diamonds? He plays the Ace of Clubs.
How It Happened
Brad wins the Second Round. He takes his second calculated risk and plays the 10 of Clubs believing BAMJason is out of Clubs by playing the Ace. BAMJason has his second choice to make too — Hearts or Spades? He plays the Ace of Hearts. Brad wins the Third Round and plays his final card – the 6 of clubs, knowing BAMJason doesn’t have any Clubs left either. BAMJason plays his final card, the Ace of Spades and is BamBoozalled (when you don’t win a Round).
Could The Result Have Been Different?
Absolutely! BAMJason was beaten in the Second Round when he chose to play the Ace of Clubs. If he had played any other Ace, the Pot would have been Split (when each player wins two Rounds each). BAMJason could then have played his Ace of Clubs in the Third Round and followed it up with another Ace in the fourth Round.
If Brad had played a Club instead of the 5 of Diamonds in the Second Round, BAMJason could have won with the Ace of Clubs and ‘aced’ him outright with back-to-back Third and Fourth Round victories to win the Hand. As it was, Brad could not be BamBoozalled since he already had the lead and BAMJason had to follow suit (Diamonds). It’s rare to lose, be BamBoozalled when you have three Aces but as you can see, it’s not impossible! It’s one of the many subtleties of BAM! gameplay.
VIDEO: How The Game Was Won
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